Warranties Can Save You Money: Learn How to Take Advantage

Charles Aquino

A few months ago, I woke up to an unexpected and terrible surprise—my electric gooseneck kettle had stopped working. I couldn’t make my preferred method of pour-over coffee. I searched through my receipts and found that my kettle was almost one year out of warranty. Instead of attempting to file a claim, I posted on the manufacturer’s forums for troubleshooting help.

To my surprise, after providing proof of my purchase, the manufacturer honored its warranty and provided a replacement kettle at no charge. My morning pour-over resumed, and all was well.

While I may have lucked out in this case, filing a warranty claim can, for the most part, be easy. However, it’s important to first understand the different types of warranties before you file a claim.

Types of Warranties

Standard Warranties

According to the Federal Trade Commision, the law recognizes two types of warranties: implied warranties and express warranties.

Learn more at  http://www.doughroller.net/personal-finance/warranties-can-save-you-money-learn-how-to-take-advantage/

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